Sighted Intuitive Astrology, Tarot & Past Life Counseling

You want a private consultation if:

  • You want in-depth insight about your current questions.
  • You want to know how your past lives are relevant to your current life. 
  • You want to know what the next year will bring you.
  • You want to know when are your optimum times for job change, love and possible relocation.
  • You want to know how you and a significant other relate to each other.
  • You want to know when (and how) do things get better.
  • You want to be able to listen to the consult afterwards.

Gift certificates

Looking for a gift for someone special or an experience you both can share?
Gift certificates are available


I am offering all consults via Zoom to enhance your understanding.  Consults are recorded and the MP4 recording will be emailed to you after the consult. You can then listen to it on your computer or iPod. This is important because you will have it for future reference. It is a conversation with your Spiritual Guides, you, and me with God’s guidance.

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What Do You Want to Learn From A Consultation?

Many people who live on Earth now are Volunteer Souls who have incarnated on Earth at this time to help raise the vibration of the planet and its inhabitants by their actions. Many people are “waking up” to their full potential for these actions. This “awakening” is often stressful and confusing, activating big changes in your life. I am here to help you find your way. In the initial minutes of each consultation, I want to know from you what your questions or issues are. The primary purpose of each consultation is to help you with what you are currently going through or trying to understand. What crises, question or chaos is upsetting you.  We will see how to rectify it.

Fairs and Events


VOTE!! To register, go to; Last day to register, Oct. 7, 2024 for Nov. 2024 Presidential election.
Also, I will be at Nature’s Treasures this Saturday, August 5, 4103 N Interstate 35, Austin, TX 78722, from 11:00 to 5:00ish, text me to save a time.

Note To All Signs,
Outlook for August, 2024:
August 2024 is a special month as it brings two powerful Star Gates, the first is the Lion’s Gate Portal, which celebrates the rising of Sirius, our Spiritual Sun, on August 8th. The second star gate portal we get to work with is the Regulus Gateway, which occurs on August 21st and brings the union of the Sun, and the Royal Star, Regulus. This Royal Star is known to activate both our heart and crown chakras, and is said to bring positive energy and fortune our way!

These powerful Star Gates make August a month to raise our vibration and align with our Spirit. With our Spirit energy reborn and two of our most powerful chakras activated, we can make August a month to grow our wisdom and intuition.

Moon offers some calming, playful energy, the Aquarius Full Moon on August 19th, holds some unsettling energy that could stir the winds of change or perhaps bring a surprise our way!

Mercury, the planet of communication and our thought processes is also going to be retrograde from
August 4th through the 28th, which means that we will need patience with communication and IT issues this month. Don’t make any permanent decisions until after the first week of September. We will have to slow down and let the dust settle to see which way things are going to go.

August 15 through 19th also brings a powerful T-Square configuration involving Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus. This is can create some tension but can also inspire action. And while this action may be slow moving due to Mercury Retrograde, it does seem the Universe is guiding us to take a stand.

In heart matters, Venus is in Virgo for most of the month, so we’re focused on practical relationships more than easy-breezy romance. As the month comes to an end, Venus will oppose both Saturn and Neptune, signifying potential disappointment if we’ve been giving too much without enough reciprocation. Balance is vital in all parts of life.

Overall, August is a powerful month that may have us feeling a little worn out by the end! Make use of these Star gates to recharge your batteries and lean into the first few weeks of the month, where we have this playful and fun-loving Leo energy to work with. Once the Sun moves into Virgo, our attention can shift to our well-being and adopting healthy rituals to support our mind, body, and soul.

The outer planets are shifting from slow, heavy Earth and Water signs into light Air and Fire, so things will be happening faster for us which we are all feeling now. The next two years are quite remarkable in terms of the speed of change for humanity.

So allow yourself to flow, be lighter, more flexible, adaptable, and see if you can imagine your future self in a couple of years. Can you see yourself as more untroubled less ‘absolute’ in your habits and views? Neptune being highlighted here will increase our sense of compassion so polarities soften, and we shift closer to unity consciousness. Start now to fashion a new dream of your future self, and pull that vision towards you to create a more evolved you.


Set Up your Consult by emailing me at; [email protected]


Wanting more information about a Special Someone? This is a perfect time to get a RELATIONSHIP CONSULTATION. This dual consultation compares the birth charts of two people to determine if you are compatible/soul mates.  You will get information about when and where you were in relationships in past-lifetimes. What events happened in those lifetimes that effect you now. If you are in a relationship, it will tell you how long it should last, what are the strengths; what are the challenges and how you can make it better. If you are not in a relationship, you will understand when you are likely to meet that special someone and what type person he/she might be.  You will get insights into love and relationship that will help you know how to choose a new partner or understand the dynamics and outcome of a current relationship. You can find out how to resolve issues and create more happiness.  Have I known him/her in another lifetime?

Set up your consult by emailing me at [email protected].


Learn the basics of astrology in “fun” and “personalized” online Zoom lessons that includes practical, insightful teaching using your own natal chart. You’ll learn the ability to interpret your birth chart (or others, children, partners) and be able to determine anyone’s character, potential and challenges. Since initially we will be working with your natal chart, these are private lesson/consults tailored just for you. You will be provided with a beginning reading list and economical software application suggestions.  Learn about the basic structure of a birth chart – planets, signs and houses. You’ll know, after only a few weeks, how to quickly assess a birth chart with a good level of confidence.

 Set up your consult by emailing me at; [email protected]