Hi Julie, I just wanted to pass you a note and tell you how much I appreciate the time you took to consult my sisters. As expected, they had wonderful things to say about you! Each of their readings really seemed to touch them. I hope this new year brings you all the blessings you deserve! All the best to you.
Julie I have received the audio file – thank you so much! You really put things into perspective for me; I understand myself and events in my life so much better now. I ordered Journey of Souls from Amazon and it should arrive tomorrow. I will certainly also read the other books you have recommended – I really appreciate that. When and where will you appear in person again so that my daughter can have a consultation with you? I will definitely recommend you!
I was your first reading Friday evening. Just wanted to let you know I had never had an astrological reading that was so accurate and actually presented in a way that I could understand so well! I was so glad to have the opportunity to meet you and experience your work. You have a beautiful spirit and very calming energy. I look forward to another session with you in the future. Hope your journey home was pleasant and uneventful. You make a difference! Sunshine and Blessings.
Julie, I wanted to thank you for the relationship reading you did for my partner and me. We were going through a difficult period, although we love each other very much. You described the challenges for each of us that helped us understand each other better. But you also stressed our strengths and our past lives together. We have grown a lot in the last months.
Julie, I never got the chance to properly thank you for the time you took with me the last time we met. I treasured that more than you will ever know and it guided and inspired me in my journey. You are so special! It is because of people like you that I have not given up hope. I appreciate you and all you have done for the world and for me. Know that you will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Love.
Julie, Your reading has opened so many opportunities for us. You recognized that we limited ourselves and encouraged us to be more open to job opportunities that we would not have considered because of their locations. So my husband interviewed for jobs all across the country and even the world. He ended up with the job of his dreams, gets to travel the world, and is even able to telecommute from our current home. We would have never even considered interviewing for this job if it wasn’t for your foresight into our situation. You have taught us that everything is a probability, and the rest is up to us to choose the path we should go on. You have empowered us!
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Julie Reeves
(512) 694-7406
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