July 5th; A beautiful, soft New Moon comes to remind us that it’s never too late to begin again. There is beautiful energy circling under this New Moon, encouraging us to stay optimistic and to see the softer side. How can we soften our anxieties and see the world from a more loving lens? Loving ourselves is a good place to start. 

July 6th; Venus in Cancer will square Chiron (Healer) in Aries, creating some tension, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. But not all tension is bad. This tension feels productive and is there to guide us to deeper healing when it comes to our relationships and the giving and receiving of love in our lives.

July 12th; Venus in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius. This can be a potentially challenging dynamic that can highlight power struggles in our lives. Where are we controlling too much? Where are we being controlled too much? We may feel the push and pull of this in our lives and in our relationships. Whatever comes up, see if you can step out of your ego and come into alignment with your heart. Stand in your power, but try not to engage in power struggles.

July 20th; Mars, the planet of action and energy, moves into Gemini. With Mars in Gemini, we may be feeling more social or ready to take on some challenging conversations. Our filters may be down, which could land us into trouble when it comes to oversharing, however, we may just find it easier to express ourselves and easier to get to the bottom of how we really feel. Just be mindful of coming across too harsh, or saying something you may regret later.

July 21st; This is the second Capricorn Full Moon of the year. This Capricorn Full Moon is calling for us to release and let go of things that are blocking us from realizing our true potential.

July 22nd; Mercury (communication) makes a tense square with Uranus, (innovation and freedom). We may feel a little scattered and all over the place and communications may be wacky. We need to still our minds and go with the flow.

July 22nd; We move out of the emotional season of the crab and into the fiery season of Leo! Leo is a fun, vibrant, and playful energy to work with. Leo is known for its proudness, its flair, and its ability to seek pleasure and luxury. The Sun loves being in the sign of Leo and feels most at home in this sign of the zodiac. The Sun is our life force, and our recharger. Find ways to recharge your energy under the Leo Sun.

July 25th; We might be shaking things up on July 15 as Mars and Uranus conjoin in Taurus, creating an impulsive desire to do something radically different in our lives. Be wary of recklessness, whether it involves your budget, love life, or general adrenaline-hunting. Something that seems delightful in the moment might be very regrettable down the road. Watch out!

July 26th; To close out the month, Chiron, the asteroid known as the wounded healer, enters retrograde until December. This is a time to nourish and love ourselves despite our wounds. Chiron retrograde gives us a chance to go back over the parts of ourselves that have been exposed through trauma or wounding. It allows us time to digest, integrate, and to think about ways we can move forward. Perfect energy to move through Leo and August.

Remember: Each of us carries wounds and scars – none of us is 100% healed and purified. You are spiritual even if you don’t meditate, channel or have crystals. We are born spiritual and we will leave this world that way. Thank you all for being here. 

The Real Lesson: Just let the old fall away and don’t spend your emotional energy on what you DON’T want. It is strange that through much of our lives we have energized by our thoughts and feelings what we don’t want then wonder why we have a hard time. We need to change this, to be emotionally invested in what we DO want. To become Masters of our energy and frequency to accelerate the manifestation of our lives and of a better world. The more that we focus on high frequency emotions of Peace, Love, Joy, and Gratitude, the greater the momentum we give to the global energies that are creating New Earth. MANY BLESSINGS, JULIE

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